Om Kenny
Jeg har Rimelig god erfaring med nemme hunde, som besværlige hunde, de fleste racer skal bare stimuleres korrekt,og trænes, og motiveres til god og opdragen opførsel. Positiv opdragelse og indlæring.
Sele anbefales til gåning og luftning af hunde, og da de er nemmere at kontrollere. Og guide til det man ønsker.
Jeg er et aktivt menneske på førtidspension. Med tiden og muligheden for at passe dit kæledyr/ hund, og give tips til læring. Og vise hvordan og hvorledes.
Jeg har tidligere haft hund før Kairo, Kairo er to år, Alma hun var en tæve, Husky og boxer, aktiv hund, og jeg har haft kat, tam rotter over 2x, 1x ørken rotte, 1x Kanin, 2x chinchillaer, mig og Kairo går, mellem 15 til 25 km om dagen, ink stimulering og motivering og træning, han er Tjekkoslovakisk ulvehund. Han ( Var) en problem hund, men grunden var ikke nok stimulering og motivering og træning, og læring, han har efter tre mdr lært at markere sig udenfor, var et problem som ( Gæst ) førhen. Han trækker ikke i snoren, han skal stadigvæk lære en del, men helt anderledes hund end i starten.
Der er mulighed for hunde Aquility banen tæt på, og få hunden med på nye lege, og stabiliserer dens selvtillid.
Mulighed for skovtur, natur områder.
Der kan gives flåt og loppekur via tablet hvis dette ønskes.
Jeg bor i et rækkehus hus, hvor for og baghave vil blive indhegnet,
Jeg ser helst du har et renligt dyr, der ikke markere sig i hjemmet, info hvis dette ikke er tilfældet, ellers kan jeg give viden og muligheder for at i lære hunden at gøre det udenfor.🙂
Negle kan klippes,og files, eller tillæres og blive klippet, af ejer.
Jeg kan oralt medicinering . Via mad.
Jeg har arbejdet med heste og tilridnings heste/ ponyer. Jeg har arbejdet med heste og tilridnings heste/ ponyer.
Jeg har passet Fransk bulldog og Amstaff, og blandingshund.
Der er åbent fra 08:00 - 22:30.
I have reasonably good experience with easy dogs, as well as difficult dogs, most breeds just need to be stimulated correctly, and trainers, and motivated to good and well-behaved behavior. Positive upbringing and learning. Harnesses are recommended for walking and ventilating dogs and as they are easier to control. And guide to what you want. I am an active person on early retirement. With time and the opportunity to look after your pet/dog, and give tips for learning. And show how and how. I have previously had a dog before Cairo, she was a bitch, Husky and Boxer, active dog and I have had a cat, tame rats over 2x, 1x desert rat, 1x Rabbit, 2x chinchillas, me and Cairo go, between 15 to 25 km a day, ink stimulation and motivating and training, has is Czechoslovak wolfdog. He (Was) a problem dog, but the reason was not enough stimulation and motivation and training, and learning, after three months he has learned to mark himself outside, was a problem like (Guest) before. They don't pull on the leash, they still have to learn a lot, but a completely different dog than at the start. There is an opportunity for dogs Aquility track close by, and get dogs involved in new games, and stabilize its self-confidence. Possibility of a forest trip, natural areas. It is recommended to pack food to your dog, Tick and flea treatment can be given via tablet if desired. I live in a terraced house where the front and back garden will be fenced, I prefer that you have a clean animal that does not mark itself out in the home, info if this is not the case, otherwise I can provide knowledge and opportunities to teach the dog to do it outside.🙂 Nails can be cut and filed, or taught and be cut, by you. I know oral medication. Via food. I have worked with horses and riding horses/ponies. I have worked with horses and riding horses/ponies. I have taken care of French bulldog and Amstaff, and mixed dog. We care about cleanliness and hygiene when there are changing animals. Open From 08.00 to 22.30.
We are a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on Paw shake, your dog should feel home and free to be a dog.
Mobiltelefon +4552900808
Mobile phone +4552900808